
The enrollment process begins when a family completes and submits an Enrollment Application Form and fee. Parents are then contacted by the class teacher and a time to meet is arranged. Following the initial meeting, if there are no special needs that require consideration, the child is invited to visit the class for a day.

The teacher may request that the visit be extended to include additional days. Following the classroom visit, the Enrollment Director will contact the family to ensure that the enrollment paperwork and financial arrangements are made. Once complete, the child may attend class.

If the child has an Individual Education Plan in place or if at any time the class teacher determines that the child may have special needs, additional observation and/or assessments of the child may be necessary. The Enrollment Director and class teacher will work with the family to ensure that these steps are completed in a timely manner.

In the case of kindergarten enrollment, placement is determined by the kindergarten teachers, based on the size and balance of each class.

The woodshop.

For information concerning enrollment, 
please contact our Director of Admissions,
Chantal Simonpietri, at (707) 485-8719, ext. 6,